Pubs, Grants, Talks
Philip M. Johnson, Carleton Moore, Peter Leong, Seungoh Paek, Improving engagement, diversity, and retention in computer science with RadGrad: Results of a case study, Available at ArXiv.
Seungoh Paek, Peter Leong, Philip M. Johnson, Carleton A. Moore, Is GPA enough? A platform for promoting computer science undergraduates' pursuit of career related extracurricular activities, In International Journal of Technology in Education and Science, Volume 5, Number 1, January 2021. (pdf)
Seungoh Paek, Peter Leong, Philip M. Johnson, Carleton A. Moore, Beyond course work: expanding what's valued in computer science degree programs, In Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, Volume 12, Number 4, September 2020, (pdf)
Philip M. Johnson, Carleton A. Moore, Peter Leong, Seungoh Paek, RadGrad: Removing the 'Extra' from Extracurricular to Improve Student Engagement, Retention, and Diversity, In Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2020), March 2020, (pdf)
Philip M. Johnson, Carleton A. Moore, Peter Leong, Seungoh Paek, DEP/RadGrad: Enhancing individualized learning plans and communities of practice to improve engagement, retention, and diversity in undergraduate computer science education, Technical Report CSDL-18-01, January 2018, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI (pdf)
Amy Takayesu, RadGrad: Using degree planning, social networking, and gamification to improve academic, professional, and social engagement during the undergraduate computer science degree experience, M.S. Thesis, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, August 2017, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI (pdf)
DEP/RadGrad: Enhancing individualized learning plans and communities of practice to improve engagement, retention and diversity in undergraduate computer science education, 2018-2021. National Science Foundation, Awards 1829542, 2025112, $331,208.
Amy Takayesu, Introduction to RadGrad, invited talk at Booz-Allen's Ideas Fest (January, 2017)