Publications and Subscriptions

The client and server in traditional web applications communicate using a "request-response" design pattern. RadGrad is implemented using Meteor, which uses a different communication design pattern called "publish-subscribe" (often abbreviated to "pub-sub"). The basic difference between the two patterns is that with request-response, the client must always make an explicit request to "pull" data from the server, while publish-subscribe enables the server to "push" data to the client. For details on the way Meteor implements pub-sub, please see the Meteor Guide chapter on Publications and data loading.

Publications and Subscriptions in RadGrad2

The BaseCollection defines default publish and subscribe methods.

* Default publication method for entities.
* It publishes the entire collection.
public publish() {
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.publish(this.collectionName, () => this.collection.find());
* Default subscription method for entities.
* It subscribes to the entire collection.
public subscribe(userID = undefined) {
if (Meteor.isClient) {
return Meteor.subscribe(this.collectionName, userID);
return null;

We publish and subscribe to the entire collection. In the subscribe method we return the handle to the subscription, so the client can wait till the subscription is ready. We use the optional userID parameter to support filtered collections such as the CourseInstanceCollection:

* Depending on the logged in user publish only their CourseInstances. If
* the user is in the Role.ADMIN then publish all CourseInstances.
public publish() {
if (Meteor.isServer) {
const instance = this;
Meteor.publish(this.collectionName, function filterStudentID(studentID) {
if (_.isNil(studentID)) {
return this.ready();
const profile = Users.getProfile(studentID);
if (profile.role === ROLE.ADMIN || Meteor.isAppTest) {
return instance.collection.find();
return instance.collection.find({ studentID, retired: { $not: { $eq: true } } });
Meteor.publish(this.publicationNames.scoreboard, function publishCourseScoreboard() {
ReactiveAggregate(this, instance.collection, [
$addFields: { courseTerm: { $concat: ['$courseID', ' ', '$termID'] } },
$group: {
_id: '$courseTerm',
count: { $sum: 1 },
{ $project: { count: 1, termID: 1, courseID: 1 } },
], { clientCollection: CourseScoreboardName });

When the client subscribes to the CourseInstanceCollection they can supply the userID to only get the Course Instances for that user.

handles.push(instanceSubs.subscribe(CourseInstances.getCollectionName(), userID));

If a client wants to subscribe to the Course Scoreboard, they use


Pub-Sub Caching

The point of this section is to note that the default approach to pub-sub in Meteor is on a page-by-page loading basis. In other words, each time a client visits a page, as part of the page loading process, the client creates one or more subscriptions representing all of the data needed for that page, which the server then sends to the client. Each time the client leaves a page, all current subscriptions are terminated and the associated data is discarded from the client.

The advantage of the default approach is simplicity and minimization of the data held by the client at any given time. The disadvantage is that if two pages involve the exact same set of subscriptions, and the client navigates from one of these pages to the other, then the default approach results in data being sent to the client for first page, then discarded when the client leaves that page, only to have the server resend the exact same data to the client when the second page is loaded.

Upon deploying RadGrad for the first time, we discovered that page were loading slowly and that much of this latency was due to the overhead of subscribing and unsubscribing each time the client visited a new page. To solve this problem, RadGrad leverages the MeteorHacks SubsManager package, which provides the ability to cache subscription data on the client side.

Our implementation of subscription caching is accomplished by three global templates:

  • with-global-subscriptions (html, js) creates cached subscriptions to approximately 20 RadGrad collections. These are collections that are frequently used by most users on most pages, and so it makes sense to just subscribe to them as soon as any user logs in and cache those subscriptions across all pages.
  • with-instance-subscriptions (html, js) creates cached subscriptions to data specific to a given user which is used across multiple pages, such as their course or opportunity instances.
  • with-advisor-subscriptions (html, js) creates cached subscriptions for data used only by the advisor (i.e. plan choices).

Instance caching parameterized by route

To improve performance for the Students, Faculty, Mentors, and Advisors, we parameterize instance caching by the route:

instanceSubs.subscribe(AcademicYearInstances.getPublicationName(), getUserIdFromRoute());
instanceSubs.subscribe(CourseInstances.getPublicationName(), getUserIdFromRoute());
instanceSubs.subscribe(OpportunityInstances.getPublicationName(), getUserIdFromRoute());

We pass in the userID from the route. This allows the student to subscribe to only their instances, while the advisor will only get the instances for the pages they visit. Remember advisors can view student pages.

Last updated on by Philip Johnson